You may report cases of defects, of which the motor vehicle does not comply with the safety standards or hinders safe motor vehicle operation.Sub content

Guidelines for reporting motor vehicle defects
motor vehicle safety-related defects refer to the cases where the motor vehicle does not comply with the safety standards or hinders safe motor vehicle operation caused by motor vehicle defects.
Since motor vehicle defects are directly related to the level of motor vehicle safety, matters which have minor influence upon the level of motor vehicle safety are excluded from being subject to rectification of safety-related defects(RECALL).
Procedure for reporting motor vehicle defects

- Faulty quality of devices to offer passenger convenience(air-conditioner, audio)
- Wear-out of consumptive components which require periodic check-up, maintenance and replacement
- Incidence of poor painting of the chassis, simple rust on the chassis panel
- Noise while driving, complaints not directly linked to motor vehicle safety such as chassis vibration
- Please, [feel free to] contact us by ☎ 080-357-2500, if you have any inconvenience when reporting motor vehicle defects on line.
- We notify you that the motor vehicle recall center is an organization that collects data on defects related to the motor vehicle safety and holds the legal authority of a mediator(coordinator), who settles issues of motor vehicle repair, exchange, refund, etc., with regards to individual matters of each and every reporter.
- Concerning individual matters, seek assistance in damage relief by calling the careline(☎ 1372).
- The information on motor vehicle defects you have reported may be shared with the motor vehicle manufacturer in order to confirm the maintenance history of the corresponding motor vehicle.
- The network of data on motor vehicle safety-related defects is run by KATRI(Korea automobile Testing & Research Institute) of Korea Transportation Safety Authority and the network gathers and analyzes data on defects in construction equipments.
What is the system of rectification of safety-related defects in construction equipments all about?
In the event that the construction equipments do not follow the safety standards or hinders safe motor vehicle operation or work safety, etc., correctional measures should be taken in line with Item N°2, Article N°20, (Rectification of safety-related defects) of the Construction Equipment Maintenance Act and, this applies to construction equipments which have been produced, assembled or imported starting Mar. 17th., 2013.
Cases of motor vehicle defects that do not correspond to Recall
- When air-conditioner, radio, etc., do not function normally
- Usual wear-out of consumables (battery, brake pad, shock absorber, etc.)
- Matters having something to do with commercial value such as simple corrosion of chassis, noise, vibration, etc. (Paint run-down, blemishes, scratches, etc.)
- Matters concerning features related to riding quality such as noise, vibration, etc.
- Minor matters related to work safety such as decline of rate of fuel consumption, reduction of motor output, etc.
- Other matters of which the Minister of Land, Transportation and Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport recognizes to have minor influence upon the safety of consumers.
Chart of procedures for the rectification of the safety-related defects in construction equipments

Relevant ordinances
- Construction Equipment Maintenance Act Enforcement Ordinance of Construction Equipment Maintenance Act Knowhow for investigation of safety-related defects(Notification will be posted.) Enforcement Rules of Construction Equipment Maintenance Act Rules concerning Safety standards for Construction equipments
Reporting defects
What is reporting defects in construction equipments all about?
Safety-related defects refer to the cases where we detect defects such as when the construction equipments do not follow the safety standards or hinders safe motor vehicle operation or work safety, etc., and this must be rectified according to Item N°2, Article N° 20 of the Construction Equipment Act and, this applies to construction equipments which have been produced, assembled or imported starting Mar. 17th., 2013.
The articles which are excluded from safety-related defects are as below. We hope you don’t goof off in reporting defects.
- When air-conditioner, radio, etc., do not function normally
- Usual wear-out of consumables (battery, brake pad, shock absorber, etc.)
- Matters having something to do with commercial value such as simple corrosion of chassis, noise, vibration, etc. (Paint run-down, blemishes, scratches, etc.)
- Matters concerning features related to riding quality such as noise, vibration, etc.
- Minor matters related to work safety such as decline in fuel consumption rate, reduction of motor output, etc.
- Other matters of which the Minister and Ministry of Land and Transport recognize to have minor influence upon the safety of consumers.
- We notify you that the motor vehicle recall center is an organization that collects data on defects related to the motor vehicle safety and holds the legal authority of a mediator who settles issues of motor vehicle repair, exchange, refund, etc., with regards to individual matters of each and every reporter.
- Concerning individual matters, commission Korea Consumer Agency(☎ 02-3460-3000) to iron out your problems.
- The information on motor vehicle defects you have reported may be shared with the motor vehicle manufacturer in order to confirm the maintenance history of the corresponding construction equipment.
- We strongly advise you to use IE, since the reporting of motor vehicle defects are optimized(keyboard security, screen capture security) in IE.